Should you ever feel bad about triggering people?
And here’s why: Some people just want to be fucked with.
Yes, I said it.
There’s a reason you can tell someone to their face exactly how you’re going to trigger them and they are still surprised when it happens: They WANT to be fucked with.
There’s a reason that some people seem triggered from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep: Being fucked with has become their comfort zone.
They are so used to getting fucked with over and over and over and over and over again that when they’re not being fucked with, it is a completely unfamiliar experience. It actually feels more comfortable for them to be fucked with than to be left alone.
This is what happens when you make yourself a perpetual victim of the world.
This isn’t going to be a pleasant thing for people to hear, but just because you don’t want to hear it doesn’t make it any less true.
And it’s important to recognize that it’s the truth because there may be times when you fall into this trap (yes, there may be times when YOU want to be fucked with) and you’ll want to be able to consciously identify when this is happening so you can pull yourself out of it and avoid future triggering.
Why would anyone want to be fucked with?
It makes them a victim.
And then they get to cry publicly about being a victim, to their friends, on the internet, whoever.
And when they cry publicly about how victimized they are, they get all sorts of sympathetic people coming to tell them how brave and beautiful they are, and how mean the person is who said or did the thing they didn’t like.
There are all sorts of benefits to being a victim.
You get attention, sympathy, people praising you and saying nice things (even though you did nothing to actually deserve them, but that doesn’t matter).
It can be a nice little self-esteem boost.
And if this is the only way a person can get positive reinforcement or attention from people, then it makes sense that they would make being a perpetual victim a habit.
And if we make something a habit, that means it becomes our default. We get used to it. When it’s not there, we miss it.
When being a victim becomes your status quo, then you will actively seek out things to be victimized to maintain your equilibrium.
How do you know someone wants to be fucked with?
You know people want to be fucked with if they proactively seek out reasons to be triggered.
For example, if the first thing someone does upon waking up is log onto Twitter to start fighting with a random stranger with an anime icon, they want to be fucked with.
There is no urgency in regard to picking a fight with an anonymous troll on Twitter unless the obvious outcome you’re looking for is to be triggered by that person.
Here’s another example:
If someone says to you “If you do ABC to me, then I am going to do XYBZ to you and you’re not going to like it”…and then you do ABC anyway, then you have asked to be fucked with.
You were literally given a boundary and a consequence of breaking that boundary, in no uncertain terms, and you make the decision to break the boundary anyway.
There is no other conclusion to draw except that you want to experience the consequences of breaking that boundary.
If you are taking proactive steps that will logically lead to you being triggered, then you want to be fucked with. You are telling us that through your observable behavior.
So, what’s the solution?
Being a victim requires you to put your mood and your perspective in the hands of other people, sometimes even in the hands of complete strangers on the internet.
Just stop doing that.
The antidote for craving being a victim of the world is to become a person that would never be victimized.
Take responsibility for how you show up in the world and what you experience.
Stop seeking out things that will trigger you.
When you know something is going to trigger you, either stay away from it or find a way to respond to it differently.
Being triggered is an entirely avoidable experience if you want to avoid it.
And if you choose not to, then all we can conclude is that you want to be fucked with.